
In 2007, Napier-Reid provided  The Rolling River First Nation in Manitoba, with a water treatment system as a solution for providing safe drinking water to a First Nations community. The system was designed to treat raw water from a well into potable water that’s compliant with strict drinking water standards. The treatment process involves a two-stage filtration system which includes MD-80 catalytic media filtration followed by reverse osmosis and nano-filtration. This system treats well water with flow rates of up to 27.3 m3/hour and works to reduce hardness by over 80%, reduces sodium content by over 50%, and filters out nearly 100% of solids.

The MD-80 catalytic media’s high manganese dioxide content results in higher levels of catalysis for oxidation reactions than other media. The MD-80 in combination with reverse osmosis and nano-filtration can effectively remove large quantities of solids and dissolved ions from groundwater. Projects at Birdtail Sioux and Constance Lake utilize the same filtration technology and have been meeting or exceeding municipal and national standards for drinking water.